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U.S. Specialized

Telling the story of U.S. Missions, ministering to children, and serving AG districts


Whether it is strategically investing in the next generation through the U.S. Missions Kids (USMK) program or pioneering and training indigenous leaders to build healthy children’s ministries, discipling the next generation is a top priority of U.S. Specialized personnel.

Additionally, those assigned to U.S. Specialized serve as missionaries- in-residence in Assemblies of God higher education institutions. There they help students steward their calls to missions, whether vocationally or in marketplace contexts. Specialized personnel also work within AG district/network contexts and with personnel in other U.S. Missions windows to advance various missions initiatives, emphases, and assignments.


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1445 N. Boonville Ave. Springfield, MO 65802-1894 417-862-2781 ext. 3254
by the General Council of the Assemblies of God